"Then the man and his wife...hid from the Lord.
...But the Lord God called to the man,
'Where are you?'"
(Genesis 3:8-9)

Genesis 3
At the very beginning of time, Adam had it all: a wife wonderfully suited to him, an environment of perfect harmony and balance, fellowship with God, no fears or regrets. But then he blew it, failing the one test God gave him. Gone was the happy anticipation of God’s approach.

That first sin not only changed the open relationship Adam had enjoyed with his Creator, it also infected every one of us down through the ages. No matter how we may try to hide, God’s same question, “Where are you?” goes out to us today. Are you looking for a place to hide? Are you afraid of what the light of His presence will reveal?

Remember that your Creator knows you and loves you. That taste of perfect life we know about from the garden will be restored to us again one day. The perfect second Adam, Jesus, came to win it back for us. When we accept God’s offer of restoration through His Son, our fellowship with Him is reestablished. We no longer have to hide. Rather, we can run into His open arms and enjoy His presence.

Scripture Focus

Genesis 3



Bible In A Year

  • Deuteronomy 7-8
  • Psalm 83
  • Acts 5-6