"From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe."
(Psalm 61:2-3)

Isaiah 54:10-15
One version of our verse says, “a rock that is too high for me.” We cannot hoist ourselves onto this rock, the Lord Himself picks us up and places us in His fortress behind His protecting walls.

Our passage tells that in His citadel we shall be safe from all oppression and tyranny. This oppression can come from guilty feelings within as well as from enmity outside of us. The Lord’s leadings are never with a feeling of oppression or compulsion. He treats us as friends; anything that is oppressive is entirely foreign to His character. “My sheep listen to my voice,” says Jesus (John 10:27). His voice is all grace and love. The accuser’s voice is full of “must” and “ought,” and “you’ve failed again!” We may be challenged, but we will never feel oppressed by the promptings of the Lord.

We shall never have to suffer calamity either. He took the cup of calamity on the cross and drained it to the dregs. There is no further calamity that we have to bear because he took it Himself and now keeps us in His high tower.

Scripture Focus

Isaiah 54:10-15


The Lord is our high tower; no need to justify ourselves or to make our own defenses against possible attack from others.

Bible In A Year

  • Song of Solomon 7-8
  • Psalm 72
  • John 12