“Those who carried materials did their work with one hand and held his weapon in the other, and each of the builders wore his sword at his side as he worked.”

Nehemiah 4:17b-18
A trowel in one hand, a sword in the other. What a profound posture for the people of that time as they continued to follow the Lord! And what a profound picture of the Christian life. God had called His people by faith to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. After years of life in exile, they were to serve Him in this task. 

But they were also being called to protect this mission by remaining vigilant before a world often bent on thwarting God’s purposes. The call to arms was not their primary calling, however. Nor was the priority to work or to fight. Their first calling was to faithfulness. Everything is directed back to the task of glorifying God and enjoying Him forever. 

Likewise, we must hold the proverbial trowel in one hand and sword in the other. We should try to both faithfully serve the Lord with our lives (see Romans 12:1) and be vigilant against those seeking to diminish the Lord and deter us from His service. With our eyes fixed on Jesus, every part of this is animated by the love He has poured out on us in His Holy Spirit. 

Scripture Focus

Nehemiah 4:15-23


Build and fight to the glory of God, knowing that it is Christ who is building and defending His Church.

Bible In A Year

  • 1 Samuel 26-27
  • Psalm 133
  • Galatians 3-4