"Jesus looked at him and loved him. 'One thing you lack,' he said. 'Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.
Then come, follow me.'"
(MARK 10:21)

Mark 10:17-22
Jesus loved this self-righteous young man and loved him enough to be honest with him. He told him he needed to put God first. But his possessions and his own sense of righteousness were this young man’s first love. They were his gods. God needed to be his “first love” (Revelation 2:4).

Today, Jesus is looking at you with love, too. He sees you and knows you through and through, and He wants you to follow Him. Do you remember when Jesus restored Peter after his denial? He asked Peter, “Do you love me” (John 21:17)? Often, our answer to that is “Yes, Lord, but … I need to do this or that, I have responsibilities, I don’t have time, I -.”

Jesus wants to be our first love. Because He created us and knows us fully, He sees what the idols of our hearts are. He knows exactly what needs to be stripped away; it’s that which we hang onto tightly. For the young ruler in Mark’s gospel, it was riches. For you and me it may be something different. But what that idol will be replaced with is the true treasure: Jesus.

Scripture Focus

Mark 10:17-22



Bible In A Year

  • 1 Chronicles 26-27
  • Psalm 6
  • Matthew 8-9