“On that day they offered great sacrifices, rejoicing because God had given them great joy. The women and children also rejoiced. The sound of rejoicing in Jerusalem could be heard far away.”

Nehemiah 12:43
As we near the end of the book of Nehemiah, we see the people of God overflowing with joy. There are five references to joy in verse 43 alone! The rebuilt walls were dedicated to the Lord who enabled all these things to take place. Renewed worship was offered at the temple. How could you not rejoice if you were able to see these things with your own eyes? 

These days might have given a glimpse of something even greater that was to come. In fact, they very much picture the new creation revealed in the final chapters of Revelation. A renewed Jerusalem must have felt somewhat like a new heavens and earth. Can you imagine the swell of music coming from all the musicians and voices joined in one accord? Or the soaring hope of a people who after years of exile feel like they were finally home? 

There would be one more chapter in Nehemiah to remind us that they (and we) are not home yet. Such rejoicing still does belong to us. We have a foretaste of glory when we worship every Lord’s Day, unified with those gathered to hear from King Jesus. 

Scripture Focus

Nehemiah 12:27-47


“We will feast in the house of Zion/ We will sing with our hearts restored.” (Sandra Mc Cracken, 2015)

Bible In A Year

  • 2 Samuel 23-24
  • Psalm 148
  • 1 Timothy 5-6