"Who, then, is the man that fears the LORD? He will instruct him in the way chosen for him."
(PSALM 25:12)

Proverbs 1:1-7
Does the idea of fearing God scare you? Does His holiness seem too formidable? The attributes of God that may at first look daunting to us are the very things that will draw us closer to Him. Our stubborn hearts need instruction, that’s for sure. Thankfully, Jesus is a patient, gentle teacher. If the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, we have a long, inviting road ahead where we can learn of His goodness. Truly knowing His love and character motivates the most desperate sinner to move towards obedience.

When I meet my children in gentle love rather than in harsh judgment, I imitate the much more amazing and perfect love of God. They learn – and I learn – to live beyond feelings, sinful desires, and self-centeredness. When we live near to the goodness of God, we are instructed toward obedience. The fear of God no longer drives us away from Him; rather, we run to His feet like a child delighting to dance before his parents. When we are teachable and moldable, He creates in us His works of art. Just think of it: we are
His masterpieces!

Scripture Focus

Proverbs 1:1-7


(1 JOHN 4:18)

Bible In A Year

  • Numbers 8-9
  • Psalm 65
  • John 6