“The people of Israel, including the Levites, are to bring their contributions of grain, new wine and oil to the storerooms, where the vessels of the sanctuary are …. We will not neglect the house of our God.”

Nehemiah 10:39
How do we respond to God’s faithfulness and endless mercies? Nehemiah and the people of God vow to turn from the sin of prior generations. They will walk in God’s law, not intermarry, and honor the Sabbath (vv. 29-31). They also promise to offer right worship to the Lord, culminating with the promise and commitment to not neglect the house of God (vv. 32-39). 

Renewed obedience is a great response to God’s faithfulness. Indeed, part of repentance is not only turning from sin, but striving for new obedience. But how can we expect God’s people to keep their end of the bargain, knowing their history? We can’t. However, we can expect the Lord to keep His end of the bargain because He sent Jesus to render the perfect obedience required of God’s people. 

This is the secret to our renewed obedience as well: We are being renewed by the Savior who was perfectly obedient in our place. We continue in our renewed (albeit flawed) obedience because our Lord’s obedience is sufficient for our failure and will prompt our continued growth unto glory! 

Scripture Focus

Nehemiah 10


We obey not because we are good enough to do so, but because He is.

Bible In A Year

  • 2 Samuel 20-21
  • Psalm 146
  • 1 Timothy 1-2