“Praise the LORD, O my soul.”

Psalm 103:1a
Do you talk to yourself? Of course you do. We all do, at least silently, if not out loud! What do you discuss with yourself? Worries and fears? Complaints? Criticisms? Or do you rehearse the abundant gifts of God?
Each November the United States observes a national holiday called Thanksgiving. (Canadians do the same in October.) Although often overshadowed by football games and Christmas shopping, Thanksgiving’s roots lie in an earlier generation’s gratitude to God for a harvest sufficient to get them through the harsh winter. They stopped toiling and “took stock” of the generosity of their Creator, Provider, and Redeemer.
In Psalm 103 David is “taking stock.” He is talking to himself, reminding himself of God’s grace. He lists not gifts he hopes to get, but gifts the Lord has already lavished on him. David savors the Lord as his heart’s chief treasure and the theme that he loves to share. This month let David’s self- talk, his list of God’s gifts in Jesus, sweeten the flavor of your internal conversation with heartfelt thanks. [Dr. Dennis Johnson, Seminary professor, Escondido, CA]
Author: Dr. Johnson has taught at Westminster Seminary California since 1982, leading the Ministry of Discipleship class for 19 years. He enjoys seeing his students grow humbly bold for Christ through his classes. He and a recent group of students composed this month’s Anchor, finding doing so a beautiful way to apply what they are learning. Dr. Johnson himself is the author of numerous books and articles, a sought-after speaker, the husband of Jane, father of four grown children, and grandfather to several young ones.

Scripture Focus

Psalm 73:23-28


“Count your many blessings, name them one by one,/ and it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.” (Johnson Oatman, Jr., 1897)

Bible In A Year

  • Jeremiah 39-40
  • Psalm 121
  • 1 Corinthians 15