“All your words are true; all your righteous laws are eternal.”

Psalm 119:160
I love reading the historical accounts of Christians living out their faith. Perhaps you do, too, and resonate like I do with lessons God teaches through others’ lives.

In Hope for the Troubled Heart (1990), Billy Graham shared the story of a Chinese missionary who was imprisoned by the Japanese during World War II. This woman snuck a copy of the Gospel of John into the prison camp where each day for three years she memorized one more verse. When she was released, she emerged unlike any other prisoner—with joy that amazed everyone, including the reporters who witnessed the release.

Even in our most difficult circumstances, we have opportunities to show our trust in God’s Word. Pick up a Bible and begin to read it! Your trust in God will grow. Jerry Bridges (Trusting God, 1988) sums this up well: “In order to trust God, we must always view our circumstances through the eyes of faith, not of sense… It is only from Scripture applied to our hearts by the Holy Spirit that we receive the grace to trust God in adversity.”

Scripture Focus

Psalm 119:153-160


“Then I will answer the one who taunts me, for I trust in your word.” (Psalm 119:42)

Bible In A Year

  • 1 Samuel 9-10
  • Psalm 124
  • 2 Corinthians 2-3