“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.”

Hebrews 11:1-2
David very deliberately chose the word “surely” in his Psalm of the Sheep. He’s saying unquestionably, absolutely, most certainly, and assuredly our Shepherd can be counted on. Who else could we attribute those words to without a doubt? Charley Wesley echoed it again in his beautiful hymn written in 1742 which says, “Before the throne my Surety stands;/ My name is written on His hands.” 

As believers in the finished work of Jesus Christ, we are forever sealed into a covenant relationship with Him. We can boldly, surely approach the throne of grace to find help in our hour of need, walking by faith not by sight in dark times. We do so with saints who went before us, many of whom God took through wondrous circumstances, others of whom God walked alongside of as they were tortured, jeered, flogged, or imprisoned. 

Having such a firm foundation enables us to journey onward through the highway of our lives. There will be rocky places as well as smooth pathways, but it is possible to find a sure foothold as we travel under His providential care.

Scripture Focus

Hebrews 11


“He owns me for a child,/ I can no longer fear./With confidence I now draw nigh/ And ‘AbbaFather’ cry.” (Charles Wesley, 1742)

Bible In A Year

  • Genesis 47-48
  • Psalm 24
  • Mark 4