"For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God gives the Spirit without limit."
(John 3:34)

John 3:31-36
God sends us, His disciples, to make disciples by speaking His words. His Word given to you is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Salvation is found nowhere else. It is not found in self-help methods, in positive thinking theories, in secret energy ideas, or even in good old-fashioned hard work. The seeking soul in our sinful world needs something more than that. It can be found in the Bible.

At a funeral recently, a young man, an atheist, proclaimed that though he had been the neighbor kid of the deceased, he had no idea his neighbor was a faithful follower of Jesus Christ. At a time like that, I wonder about words not spoken. Words not spoken can be one of the biggest sources of regret.

I wondered about the times I could have spoken of Christ’s love and salvation, but I held back out of fear of rejection. I wondered, do my neighbors know I follow Jesus Christ? I told the atheist about the faith of my friend as he put his full trust in His Lord at the end of his life. Let’s speak the words of life to those we meet.

Scripture Focus

John 3:31-36


You are the one God has sent to your friends and family and neighbors, so speak to the Word of God to them.

Bible In A Year

  • Job 37-38
  • Psalm 60
  • Luke 23