"He said to another man, 'Follow me.' But the man replied, 'Lord, let me first go and bury my father.'"
(Luke 9:59)

Luke 9:57-62
There are a million excuses for not following Jesus. I know because I have used most of them myself.

Some excuses seem valid: “Lord, I need to finish this job first.” Some are priorities: “I have these responsibilities. I can’t go off on some adventure.” Some seem like duties: “I can’t do that now, Lord. People are expecting me to do this first.” Often “I can’t” actually means “I don’t want to.”

People say “No” to Jesus all the time. It is sad … not for Jesus, though our stubbornness surely grieves Him. It is sad for the ones who refuse Him because no life is more abundant than the life Christ gives. Luke records Jesus’ conversation with people who are considering following Him, reminding us that the cost is great. And while a full life in Christ awaits His followers, they are not assured an easy, carefree, charmed life. Extremely challenging times may lie ahead.

When the Lord tells you to do something today, simply say, “Yes, Lord, I will do it.” Follow Jesus, and His perfect care and love will follow you.

Scripture Focus

Luke 9:57-62


Whether the task is, important or insignificant, affecting many or just one, every "yes" to the Lord's directions will affect someone for eternity.

Bible In A Year

  • Job 35-36
  • Psalm 59
  • Luke 22