“And a voice came from heaven: ‘You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.’”

Luke 3:22b
God the Father proclaimed with audible words that He couldn’t be prouder of His son. And haven’t we all longed to hear that from our earthly fathers? Even today, decades later, I remember how proud my dad was of me after high school football games; his “Way to go!” Meant a lot to me then and still does today. But many people have never known an encouraging word from their dads.
Whether your earthly father is still alive or not, whether you see him once a week, once a year, or not all, know that your heavenly Father loves you and desperately wants to be a part of your life.
Put your trust in the finished work of Christ. You are covered with His righteousness so that when our Father looks at us, He sees the perfection of Jesus. He doesn’t see our weaknesses, our crimes, our present or past sins. He sees sons and daughters arrayed in the glory of Christ. He is proud of you because you looked to His Son to set you free. It’s like He walks down on the football field of your life, hugs you, and says, “I’m proud of you!”

Scripture Focus

Romans 3:21-26


When the Father looks at you, he sees Jesus and is pleased.

Bible In A Year

  • Numbers 16
  • Psalm 69
  • John 10