"O afflicted city, lashed by storms...I will build you with stones of turquoise, your foundations with sapphires. I will make your battlements of rubies, your gates of sparkling jewels, and all your walls of precious stones."
(Isaiah 54:11-12)

Revelation 21
The walls the Lord builds for us are infinitely precious because they reflect the cross which saves us. Isaiah 60:18 says, “You will call your walls Salvation.” We are saved by His precious blood. This is why the walls blazon out His glory in these precious stones. Then, when our lives attest to the glorious sacrifice of Jesus, the stones reflect His splendour.

Also they are infinitely precious to us because they are the breastplate of hope and salvation, protecting us from all our enemies, whether the enemy is our own failings or is an attack from other forces.

Finally, the walls are amazing because they are made of extremely hard, precious stones. Nothing can penetrate the Lord’s walls of protection. We need to be aware of this, otherwise the enemy can make us cower with his threats the same way Nehemiah’s helpers tended to be discouraged by enemy threats.

The exquisite walls are eventually a glorious feature of the New Jerusalem. It’s there that we’ll walk streets of sparkling gems one day!

Scripture Focus

Revelation 21


Our hearts resonate with the sight of the Lord's walls; they are precious to us because we know what it cost the Lord to build them.

Bible In A Year

  • Song of Solomon 3-4
  • Psalm 70
  • John 10