"He told them, 'The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.'"
(Luke 10:2)

Luke 10:1-12
When I receive good news, my first reaction is to share it. For really good news, I want to shout it!

Receiving God’s gift of salvation through Jesus Christ is the best good news ever. It brings blessing in this life and the promise of eternity with the Lord in the next. God did not assign this precious message to angels. Instead, He entrusts it to us. We may be weak and prone to failure, but humans are the best messengers because we are the direct recipients of God’s grace.

Sadly, our joyful message is often hindered by fear of how others will react. Will they think we’re fanatics? Will they look down on our faith as mere superstition? Perhaps they will be condescending: that’s okay for you if you need a crutch, but it’s not for me.

Young children have not yet been tainted by our insecurities. Fueled by a desire for others to know their joy, they eagerly share what they know of Jesus. This is an area where children have much to teach us about loving God more than fearing people. May you and I be good students.

Scripture Focus

Luke 10:1-12


Do the children in your life see you joyfully sharing the message of salvation? Whom will you share the Good News with today?

Bible In A Year

  • Jeremiah 27-28
  • Psalm 117
  • 1 Corinthians 8-9