"Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might..."
(Ecclesiastes 9:10)

Ecclesiastes 9:7-12
When doing work for the Lord, we may first come out of the gates excited and passionate. Have you ever done that? Then we carry our excitement to the congregation or to the world, and a dull reception of this “work” dampens our enthusiasm. That can quickly turn into disappointment or discouragement as this “work of the Lord” seems to be going nowhere fast. How easy it is to concentrate on the work – its details and planning – and forget the one who gave us the work in the first place.

Paul echoes Solomon’s words from Ecclesiastes, telling the Corinthians as well as us, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). Whatever the Lord has given us to do, we must work steadfastly. But most importantly, we work to give glory to Him who gives us His Spirit to accomplish the work.

If we make that our first work, our central devotion to Christ, then the details become easier. We recognize the Lord – not us – as the One who has sovereignly engineered the project.

Scripture Focus

Ecclesiastes 9:7-12


Lord, may we pour out our devotion to you first. Then the work you give us is a light yoke, for you are our gentle Master.

Bible In A Year

  • Job 19-20
  • Psalm 52
  • Luke 15