"For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose."
(Philippians 2:13)

Nehemiah 6:1-16
Without God-given resolve, we cannot begin to cooperate with the Lord in building “Jerusalem walls” in our own lives. We should pray for that resolve.

This is so because of the opposition both inward and outward; opposition we shall experience when we are engaged in this building work. The opposition to Nehemiah involved anger, ridicule, conspiracy, threats, cunning, accusation, and treachery. His opponents probably would have praised any other public works or social work, but they bitterly opposed the rebuilding of God’s walls.

So it is in the world now. People will praise any moral initiative or good work so long as it is not in the name of Jesus. Sometimes, even in church, programs and initiatives are given priority over disciple-making. The world and peer pressure will often press godless priorities on us, but it is only the Lord’s project which will bless us and others.

You have not to do it in your unaided strength; it is God who is all the while supplying the power and strength to do His work.

Scripture Focus

Nehemiah 6:1-16


"The Lord is faithful and he will do it" (1 Thessalonians 5:24). Eventually our passage says, "So the wall was completed" (v. 15).

Bible In A Year

  • Song of Solomon 1-2
  • Psalm 69
  • John 9