“All the believers were one in heart and mind… .With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and much grace was upon them all.”

Acts 4:32-33
The strength of the Church is in being “one in heart and mind.” That comes through the power of God’s Spirit uniting us in Christ. Even as Jesus prayed in John 17 that His children would “be brought to complete unity” (v. 23), He knew that in the centuries following there would be multitudes of church denominations. The thousands of para-church groups, each with its defined mission, have their value in our culture. But it’s easy to lose sight of the unity of mind God so wants for us.

I attended a Tell Asia conference in Hong Kong years ago whose goal was finding ways of working together to deliver the gospel to the world. People of many languages and cultures gathered, some from closed countries. We spent long periods of time in prayer. We brainstormed. We listened. Despite differences, we discovered common ground and ways to share talents and resources.

We can sing the old hymn that “Elect from ev’ry nation,/ yet one o’er all the earth,/ her charter of salvation:/ one Lord, one faith, one birth.” (S.J. Stone, 1866).

Scripture Focus

Acts 4:31-37


When we operate in oneness of heart and mind, there is “much grace” upon us. That grace helps us transcend the ways of the world.

Bible In A Year

  • 1 Samuel 24-25
  • Psalm 132
  • Galatians 1-2

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