"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who
built his house on the rock."

(MATTHEW 7:24)

Psalm 62
Children in our Canadian village who lived across the river from the school had to use the bridge on the main street. When the river froze in winter, it was tempting for those whose homes were directly across from the school to walk over on the ice rather than trudge to the middle of town and backtrack several blocks, especially when running late. The ice could be rock-solid, but then it could be treacherous following even a brief thaw. Two of my first-grade classmates learned this when the ice gave way and they fell into the frigid water. Thankfully, they were rescued, and it was a while before anyone risked the shortcut again.

Sometimes life can feel like we’re stepping onto thin ice. But with our trust solidly in our Savior, what we step onto will be firm and safe. His Word is our guide. Psalm 62 tells us to remember two things about our Lord: that He is strong and that He is loving. We can move forward in faith this New Year, knowing that He is our Rock and Fortress, and we will not be shaken.

About the writer:

Mary Waind is a retired elementary school teacher/librarian who still lives in the stone house her parents built in the village of Elora, Ontario in 1934. Now busy with writing pursuits, gardening, ice-skating, biking, and spending time with family and friends, she writes this month’s Anchor looking ahead to a New Year.

Scripture Focus

Psalm 62



Bible In A Year

  • Genesis 1-2
  • Psalm 1
  • Matthew 1-2