"My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one... just as you are in me and I am in you."
(John 17:20-21a)

Ephesians 2
Jesus by His cross has broken down all possible walls of division between believers. We cannot be said to love Him if we do not love all others who also love Him. It is by this love that we are distinctive as His followers, those who are saved by His sacrifice on the cross and who seek to live a life for Christ. This does not mean, of course, that we will always agree with everything they hold to be true.

John Wesley disagreed with the other great leader of the 18th century evangelical revival, George Whitfield, on matters of theology, especially predestination and assurance of salvation for all believers. Their followers became heated about the differences, and one of Whitfield’s followers said to him, “When we get to heaven, shall we see Mr. Wesley there?” George Whitfield replied, “Sir, you and I shall be so far from the throne and Wesley shall be so near it that we shall scarcely catch sight of him.”

That is the graciousness of true unity – unity in faith in Christ and unity in the great work of evangelism.

Scripture Focus

Ephesians 2


Are we prepared in humility to consider others better than ourselves (see Philippians 2:5), despite having different views on peripheral matters?

Bible In A Year

  • Isaiah 20-22
  • Psalm 81
  • Acts 1