“The women said to Naomi: ‘Praise be the LORD, who this day has not left you without a kinsman-redeemer. May he become famous throughout Israel! He will renew your life and sustain you in your old age.’”

Ruth 4:14-15
Naomi knew darkness and emptiness in life. She and her husband along with their two sons left home in a time of famine. Her husband died in that foreign land, and her sons married women from the pagan culture there. Those sons died too, and she was left in the company of her sons’ wives. God showed His tender care in providing one of the daughters-in-law to accompany her back to Bethlehem (“the house of bread”) where the Lord had provided food for His people. Upon returning, she discovered rich provision beyond imagination. 

My circumstances of life certainly were not this severe, but I resonate with Naomi. I had become weighed down with responsibilities and the cares of life. Feeling overwhelmed, I cried out to the Lord. He motivated me to take a cross-country trip to be with family members. Meeting my great-grandson, having my grown grandsons fall into my arms with joyful delight, and being with my son and daughter-in-law filled my cup to overflowing. 

My Good Shepherd continually fills my cup to overflowing, and I know He will for you also.

Scripture Focus

Ruth 4:13-17


We find restoration and joy as we reach out to the God who loves us, sent Jesus in human flesh to us, and provides abundant life for us.

Bible In A Year

  • Genesis 45-46
  • Psalm 23
  • Mark 3