"When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd."
(MATTHEW 9:36)
In Matthew’s Gospel the word “compassion” is used four times to refer to Jesus’ consideration of others (9:36, 14:14, 15:32, 20:34). The other Gospel books also record examples of His compassion. You cannot read the accounts of Jesus’ earthly ministry without seeing that the incarnate Son of God was, indeed, human, imbued with and moved by His emotions.
Only one Person could ever look at a sea of humanity and be justified if He’d looked with judgment and condemnation – the perfect and holy Son of God. He knew what was in the heart of every person He saw (John 2:25). Fully aware of the sin in each fallen heart, Jesus’ heart beat with tenderness and pity.
And only one Person could look and see those same crowds with the compassion that recognized them as “harassed and helpless” and do something about it. In the eternal fellowship of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit, Jesus left heaven, became Man, taught, healed, and proclaimed His kingdom. Then He died in our place that we might
be set free.
Only one Person could ever look at a sea of humanity and be justified if He’d looked with judgment and condemnation – the perfect and holy Son of God. He knew what was in the heart of every person He saw (John 2:25). Fully aware of the sin in each fallen heart, Jesus’ heart beat with tenderness and pity.
And only one Person could look and see those same crowds with the compassion that recognized them as “harassed and helpless” and do something about it. In the eternal fellowship of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit, Jesus left heaven, became Man, taught, healed, and proclaimed His kingdom. Then He died in our place that we might
be set free.
Scripture Focus
Luke 4:16-21
Bible In A Year
- 1 Samuel 18-19
- Psalm 129
- 2 Corinthians 11