"I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds."
(PSALM 77:11-12)

Psalm 77
Twelve-step programs have been helping people for years. A friend of mine told how he and the others in one such group would rehearse their past failures week after week. My friend saw that even though he was dealing with addictions and getting beyond blaming others, he needed a new focus, one that would free him from the bondage of his past.

The writer of this psalm seems to be in that same place. He remembered God and groaned (v. 3). He meditated and his spirit grew faint (v. 3). In time he questioned God’s mercy and compassion (v. 9). But then the psalmist began to recall the years of the Lord’s faithfulness, His miracles and mighty works. The undeniable grace and mercy that had reigned throughout the generations powerfully transformed his thinking. Never had there been a time of failure in God’s good plans.

Recalling your own deeds of the past may have some value to you. But when this world oppresses you, dwell on the past deeds of your good and mighty Savior. His record shows victory – true victory that He won for you.

Scripture Focus

Psalm 77



Bible In A Year

  • Genesis 31-32
  • Psalm 16
  • Matthew 24