“But I said, ‘Should a man like me run away? Or should one like me go into the temple to save his life? I will not go!’”

Nehemiah 6:11
Satan not only works to directly oppose the Lord and His plans, but he also works through treachery. A man by the name of Shemaiah—one of God’s own people—tried to lure Nehemiah into a trap at the behest of Nehemiah’s enemies. This trap would result in physical death if not the death of his reputation. 

Treachery of this sort can be both more deadly and more devastating than direct opposition. You know this feeling if you have ever suffered betrayal by a family member or by someone in the church. We expect to be hurt by our enemies, but by our friends? Nehemiah knows that this is a trick. Fear will not be his master; he will not hide in the dark of night while God’s people stand in the light of day. He will lead them by example. 

Jesus knew treachery. Opposed by His hometown and His family, He was later abandoned by His own disciples. He was kissed by the man who was in the act of betraying Him. Jesus was not deterred from following the will of God to the cross. Nor should we be deterred by temptation or betrayal from taking up our cross.

Scripture Focus

Nehemiah 6:10-14


While it is yet today, lead by example, remembering that Christ is worth your devotion.

Bible In A Year

  • 2 Samuel 5-6
  • Psalm 138
  • Philippians 1-2