"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."
(John 15:13)

John 15:9-17
Every Memorial Day, a friend of mine, a former Marine colonel, gives a lesson to our prayer group about this verse. He knows of what he speaks. During World War 2 in the battle of Iwo Jima, he saw many of his buddies lay down their lives for their friends. The survivors of such battles always call those who gave their lives “the real heroes.” He tells us that since the survivors did not give the last full measure of sacrifice, they are not as heroic as those who did.

Jesus Christ did give the last full measure – His perfect life – as a sacrifice for the sins of all who follow Him. Jesus, our Friend, laid down His life for us. No one took it from Him; He gave it. In His power, He could have stopped it, but in His love … well, it was greater than His desire for self-preservation. There is no greater love than this.

Isn’t that the kind of love you’d want to follow? This world holds up a lot of sensational stars for us to follow, but there is none other I’d be a disciple of than Jesus who gave His whole life for me.

Scripture Focus

John 15:9-17


Be amazed at Romans 5:8: "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

Bible In A Year

  • Job 29-30
  • Psalm 56
  • Luke 19