"In reply Jesus declared, 'I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.'"
(JOHN 3:3)

John 3:1-21
Now and then seeing things from a new perspective astounds us. I recall standing on the seaside in Somalia, looking out across the vast Indian Ocean just before dawn. For the first time in my life, I was amazed as I distinctly saw the sea on the far horizon dropping, revealing the sun that was there all the while. Hadn’t I always thought that the sun “came up” in the morning? I saw with my own eyes the truth of the matter: the earth rotates downward, revealing the sun. My perspective changed.

I have experienced this same reorientation when seeing the kingdom of God in its grandeur and reality. As I gave my life to following Jesus Christ, I began to see that the kingdom He is establishing is real and not fantasy at all. The body of Christ – those who love Jesus and follow Him – forms the most important thing that ever happened in the entire universe. Yes, Nicodemus, and all of us “Nicodemuses,” listen. The kingdom that Jesus established is real, and it is here, now. The morning has come. Change your perspective!

Scripture Focus

John 3:1-21


(PSALM 143:8)

Bible In A Year

  • Esther 7-8
  • Psalm 41
  • Luke 4