"Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always
lives to intercede for them."
(HEBREWS 7:25)

Luke 11:1-13
The citizens of the kingdom of God pray without ceasing. In the kingdom of God, there is always a din of the sound of prayers, for we pray incessantly and God is listening continually! God expects us to pray constantly, fervently
and expectantly.

In Luke 11 Jesus taught His disciples to pray to their Father, “Your kingdom come.” Then He explained the importance of prayer by telling a story. A man had nothing to feed an unexpected guest so he pled with his neighbor with shameless audacity for some bread. This kind of praying, from extreme need, marks the way we live in the kingdom of God. Jesus continued, “So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” (v. 9).

Prayer, as Jesus kept reminding us, assumes that I lost something precious and cannot find it. I am outside a locked door; I cannot go in. My pockets are empty and I need help. Prayer is not asking casually for something; it is the cry of the needy, an admission of desolation.

Scripture Focus

Luke 11:1-13



Bible In A Year

  • Nehemiah 10-11
  • Psalm 36
  • Mark 15