"Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed ... He did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith ... being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised."
(ROMANS 4:18, 20-21)

Romans 4:18-23
In the normal situations of our lives, we come to expect (or have hope of) certain things. We expect to have children. We hope for a happy family and a productive life. We hope to die in the arms of a loved one someday. When these ordinary hopes are dashed, we despair. An old man wouldn’t hope to father a child because he knows he is not physically capable anymore. He doesn’t cling to a hope like that. But Abraham did!

“Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed…” Let those words sink in. Abraham’s hope was different than an everyday, expected kind of hope. It was based on the promise of God – not on his natural, aging body, but on the nature
of God.

As Christians, our hope is not in the normal realm of everyday hope, but in the character and promises of God. When life discourages you, take heart. Be “fully persuaded” that He has the power to do what He promised for your life as He did for Abraham. Be strengthened in your faith, for He has the power to accomplish what appears impossible.

Scripture Focus

Romans 4:18-23



Bible In A Year

  • 1 Chronicles 22-23
  • Psalm 4
  • Matthew 5