“We live by faith, not by sight.”

2 Corinthians 5:7
Former slave trader, later redeemed servant of Jesus Christ, John Newton wrote of how grace begets faith:

“Unbelief is continually starting objections, magnifying and multiplying difficulties. But faith in the power and promises of God inspires a noble simplicity and casts every care upon Him, who is able and has engaged to support and provide. Thus when Abraham … forsook his country and his father’s house … he went out, not knowing where he went. It was enough that he knew whom he followed. The all-sufficient God was his guide, his shield, and his exceeding great reward. … So likewise, when he received the hard command to offer up his son, … he simply obeyed and depended upon the Lord to make good His own word.

“In this spirit David went forth to meet Goliath. …  And thus the three [Hebrews] … rather chose to be cast into a burning furnace than to sin against the Lord. … How comforting is it to us … to trust the Lord in the path of duty, to believe that He will supply our needs, direct our steps, plead our cause, and control our enemies!”

Scripture Focus

Romans 1:14-17


“‘Poor tempest-tossed soul, be still,/ My promised grace receive.’/ ‘Tis Jesus speaks—I must, I will/ I can, I do believe.” (John Newton, 1725-1807)

Bible In A Year

  • Isaiah 18-19
  • Psalm 80
  • John 21