“The whole company numbered 42,360, besides their 7,337 menservants and maidservants; and they also had 245 men and women singers.”

Nehemiah 7:66-67
The Lord God cares about numbers, not because He cares about numbers, but because He cares about people. He cares about every sheep within His fold and every hair upon the head of each of His redeemed. This is why we don’t casually pass by the genealogies of God’s people. God counts each person—and He knows each sheep by name. 

Another reason we don’t ignore the genealogies is because they represent God’s history of redeeming His people through all ages. These records take us all the way from our first parents, Adam and Eve, to their promised seed, Jesus Christ. We are part of a spiritual genealogy as well. We are engrafted into the family of God through our firstborn brother, Jesus Christ. Just think of it: We are adopted into the family of God! 

It’s fitting that we take a break from the comings and goings of Nehemiah and the remnant to remember that the Lord has gathered for Himself a people. He will never leave or forsake them. You are a part of that people, counted as one of His redeemed because He has called you by name. 

Scripture Focus

Nehemiah 7:5-73


Take a moment today and reflect on and be comforted by this fact: You are a beloved part of the family of God.

Bible In A Year

  • 2 Samuel 9-10
  • Psalm 140
  • Colossians 1-2