"'The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel' - which means,
'God with us.'"
(MATTHEW 1:23)

Psalm 46:6-11
Psalm 46 shows how, despite the chaos around them, the people of God rejoiced and worshiped. Though the earth would quake, the calming river streams made glad the city of God (see vv. 3-4). Confidence came from knowing the Lord reigned and was near. As glorious as that is, it is not the end of the story! What the people in Psalm 46 knew only in part, we now know in full,
revealed splendor.

The writer of Hebrews declares that though God spoke previously, “in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe” (1:2). The great “God with us” is Jesus Christ.

God Himself came down from His perfect, eternal Kingdom into this man-marred world of sin and its ruinous effects. He came to save and redeem. He did not come in might, thundering in thick clouds. Instead, He appeared as Immanuel – God with us – wrapped in cloths in a borrowed crib at birth and wrapped in cloths in a borrowed tomb at death. The eternal Friend of Sinners came to save sinners.

Scripture Focus

Psalm 46:6-11



Bible In A Year

  • 1 Samuel 22-23
  • Psalm 131
  • 2 Corinthians 13