“Now the crowd that was with him when he called Lazarus from the tomb and raised him from the dead continued to spread the word.”

John 12:17
Which crowd do you and I follow? The noisy mob chasing rumors, looking for excitement? Or the witnessing crowd that has been with Jesus?

Tomorrow the church will celebrate Palm Sunday, foretold by the prophet Zechariah and recorded in all four gospels. His prophecy (9:9-10) sketches a future victory parade and calls for joy, punctuated by shouts.

But then Zechariah describes not a general astride a steed, but a humble king straddling a donkey.

This is not an Instagram-worthy photo; it’s more like a picture from an ancient scrapbook revealing The King We Did Not Expect. Jesus alone knew the painful crown and cruciform throne that lay ahead. Yet it would become His exaltation, beginning when the cross was “lifted up” by soldiers and secured in its place.

John mentions two crowds that Palm Sunday: a large group excited about Passover feasting, and another group who had followed Jesus to the tomb of Lazarus and heard His command, 

“Lazarus, come out!”

This crowd didn’t just see; they believed. And believing turned them into witnesses.



Rondi R. Lauterbach


An Anchor writer for the second time, Rondi Lauterbach shares her thoughts with us for Easter. She is a wife, mother, and grandmother, gladly serving her church in Tucson, Arizona, alongside her husband, a pastor. She loves being with her grandchildren, teaching fitness classes, studying Scripture, and leading Bible studies. Currently she is working on writing a book about Jesus’ ascension. Rondi finds herself constantly amazed at the work of Christ, the liveliness of Scripture, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit to His people.


Scripture Focus

John 12:12-26


When we read and believe the Scriptures, we are leaving the crowd of onlookers and joining the crowd who follows Jesus.

Bible In A Year

  • Deuteronomy 23-24
  • Psalm 91
  • Acts 15