"As they were walking along the road, a man said to him, 'I will follow you wherever you go.'"
(Luke 9:57)

Exodus 19:1-8
What does Jesus want from you? Your whole life. From early in the Bible, this is what God told the Israelites, the people whose bond with Him would be a stunning picture of our own relationship with Him. He had come to them while they were enslaved in Egypt, miraculously sweeping them away and laying His claim on them. He required that they obey Him fully, and then they would be His treasured people (see Exodus 19:5). When presented with this, the Israelites “all responded together, ‘We will do everything the Lord has said'” (v. 8). It didn’t sound too difficult at all to give their entire lives to this God. What followed, of course, were the golden calf, years of grumbling, and erratic faithfulness… exactly the sorts of things that mark our walk with the Lord, too.

But there is to be no partial commitment to Christ. It will cost a lot to be His disciple. He wants our love, fellowship, and obedience. Because He was obedient to the Father for us, came to this earth and fellowshipped with us, and magnificently proved His love to us, we follow Him.

Scripture Focus

Exodus 19:1-8


Follow Jesus each moment of every day. Say to Him, "Lord, I will follow you wherever you go."

Bible In A Year

  • Job 33-34
  • Psalm 58
  • Luke 21