"If anyone...sees a brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue
but with actions and in truth."
(1 JOHN 3:17-18)

John 19:25-27
1 Timothy 5:1-16
The saying “Hospitality begins at home” doesn’t necessarily mean that it can only take place within our own four walls…but it should begin there. Home is where family is, where God’s love must be shown. It’s in the day-to-day of our own households that love is practiced and honed.

Sometimes we may be guilty of taking our families for granted, assuming they know they’re special to us when, in fact, they need to be reminded. When was the last time you held your child’s face, peered into his eyes and told him how precious he is to you? Have you fixed your busy wife a cup of coffee today, rubbed the tired shoulders of your faithful, hard-working husband? Have you spoken words of encouragement to a troubled brother or sister?

We know Jesus cared deeply for His parents and siblings. How much more should we, in the comfort and blessing of our homes, do likewise? Since we are the recipients of Christ’s tender hospitality to us – He has welcomed us into His family! – we can in gratitude extend kindness to others.

Scripture Focus

John 19:25-27
1 Timothy 5:1-16



Bible In A Year

  • 1 Kings 21-22
  • Proverbs 10
  • Hebrews 13