"He must become greater; I must become less."
(John 3:30)

John 3:22-36
John the Baptist knew who he was and how important his job was. But he also knew that in comparison to the Messiah, he must decrease. Do you decrease every day so that your Lord may increase in you? Are your desires secondary to His desires? Are your desires becoming His desires?

John said, “A man can receive only what is given him from heaven” (3:27). Everything you are has been given to you. Your possessions, your talents, your personality… they are not really yours. Every part of who you are is a gift from God. Your spiritual gifts are all given to you by God to be used for His purposes, and not for self adoration. You are not worthy to untie His sandals (see Acts 13:25).

So why do you and I spend so much time serving ourselves and worrying about our egos? Should we be asserting our pride? The world tells us we should. Do away with that philosophy. Be humble, for everything about you has been given to you from heaven. You must decrease so He can increase. Your life must become His life in you.

Scripture Focus

John 3:22-36


Lord, increase yourself in our lives, and decrease ourselves ... we want to live for you!

Bible In A Year

  • Job 26-28
  • Psalm 55
  • Luke 18