“Now therefore, O our God, the great, mighty and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love, do not let all this hardship seem trifling in your eyes—the hardship that has come upon us.”

Nehemiah 9:32a
God is always faithful to His promises while we are not. In Israel’s constant returning to sin, wickedness, and rebellion, the Lord remained unwaveringly faithful, implicitly kind, and unendingly forgiving. So what do you think will have the final word—God’s faithfulness or our faithlessness? 

In Genesis 15, God made a covenant with Abram. In a covenant, both parties would pledge to uphold their end of the deal. They’d then walk through cut-up animal parts laid out on the ground, in essence saying that if either party didn’t keep their promise, they will be torn asunder like the animal parts. But in this account, God put Abram to sleep and walked through the animal parts alone. If Abram and God’s people after him proved unfaithful, God Himself would be torn asunder on their behalf. 

It is to this covenant—this promise of steadfast love—that God’s people cling. His faithfulness will win the day because His beloved Son would be torn asunder for His imperfect people. We can’t negate His faithfulness which prompts our desire to follow Him. 

Scripture Focus

Nehemiah 9:32-38


If God has so faithfully provided for our salvation, let us rest in His abiding faithfulness!

Bible In A Year

  • 2 Samuel 19
  • Psalm 145
  • 2 Thessalonians 1-3