"'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.' This is a profound mystery - but I am talking about Christ and the church."
(EPHESIANS 5:31-32)
The relationship between husbands and wives, a picture designed by God, is a portrait of the closeness and unity that Jesus has with His Bride, us. There is no closer, deeper bond between two people. God made marriage to underscore how intimately He loves the Church, uniting Himself to it through His death, burial and resurrection. Before the foundations of the world (Ephesians 1:4), God planned to save His people through His Son. Jesus draws us to Himself through this union and tells us we are His.
This month my wife and I want to share our thoughts here at the very beginning of our marriage. We have not seen the years our parents and many of you have, but we have already seen our great failures and Jesus’ deep, abiding love for us. We want to share different parts of our story and how we are reminded of our connectedness with Jesus. Union with Christ means that what is true of Him is true of us. Even as we fail, He reminds us He has bought us and purchased us with His precious blood
(see Revelation 5:9).
About the writers:
Both graduates of Providence Christian College, Adrian and Rachel Crum write this Anchor as young marrieds. A seminary student now, Adrian grew up in Tijuana, Mexico with parents who were missionaries with the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Rachel was raised in Bakersfield, CA and is currently working for a printing company. Both love a walk, a cup of tea and a good book.
This month my wife and I want to share our thoughts here at the very beginning of our marriage. We have not seen the years our parents and many of you have, but we have already seen our great failures and Jesus’ deep, abiding love for us. We want to share different parts of our story and how we are reminded of our connectedness with Jesus. Union with Christ means that what is true of Him is true of us. Even as we fail, He reminds us He has bought us and purchased us with His precious blood
(see Revelation 5:9).
About the writers:
Both graduates of Providence Christian College, Adrian and Rachel Crum write this Anchor as young marrieds. A seminary student now, Adrian grew up in Tijuana, Mexico with parents who were missionaries with the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Rachel was raised in Bakersfield, CA and is currently working for a printing company. Both love a walk, a cup of tea and a good book.
Scripture Focus
Ephesians 5:21-33
STONE, 1866)
Bible In A Year
- 1 Kings 4-5
- Proverbs 1
- Titus 1-3