"In the beginning you laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands. But you remain the same, and your years will never end."
(PSALM 102:25, 27)

Psalm 102:1-2, 24-28
A friend has described the subtle indications of the changing seasons in the Midwest. She says a smell in the air distinctly marks a new time of year. One inhale of it and she would know “spring is on the way,” or “fall is definitely here.” She might not actually see the crocuses peeking out or the maple leaves turning orange, but the air would carry on its invisible yet very real testimony of what was to come.

We may not see or understand all of the changes the Lord is bringing about in our own lives or in the lives of believers around the globe, but just as surely as the changing seasons, He is shaping us all into the people He would have us be. Our lives are becoming each day the testimony of what He has created us for.

Change is in the air! Let’s anchor our hearts this month in the truths of His Word which remind us that while seasons and political climates, economies and families all change, we cling to the One Who does not change like the shifting sands.

About the Author …

This month’s ANCHOR Devotional is unique and very special to all of us at Haven. It was written by a young woman, mature in Christ beyond her years, as she lay dying over the course of several months from a debilitating sickness. In fact, she was barely finished writing when the Lord called her home at only 29 years of age. Yet the Lord’s hand on her last act of service to Him is so evident … you’ll recognize this as you read!

You’d hardly know that Lauren Beyenhof was saying her final goodbyes to her husband and family as she wrote. Her words are so full of hope and joy in the Lord, fitting for a child of God who knows she belongs to Jesus and will soon be with Him.

Lauren makes the point that all things are subject to change except for our God who never changes. As the Bible says, “Jesus is the same, yesterday, today, and forever.” When we build our lives on Him, the solid Rock, we will never be moved or shaken. And even death will only be a transition into a joyful eternity with Him.

Originally published in 2009 …. the Lord called Lauren home just three days after Anchor subscribers read her last day’s entry. She passed away due to complications of cystic fibrosis, with which she was diagnosed at birth. She dearly loved her husband and family, had a passion for words and writing, enjoyed children immensely and relished trying new things. She knew her Savior Jesus closely then … and how much more so now! Be heartened by Lauren’s thoughts on our changeless Lord.

Scripture Focus

Psalm 102:1-2, 24-28



Bible In A Year

  • Job 41-42
  • Psalm 62
  • John 1