“Each day one ox, six choice sheep and some poultry were prepared for me, and every ten days an abundant supply of wine. … I never demanded the food …, because the demands were heavy for these people.”

Nehemiah 5:18
In contrast with the prior unjust acts of his fellow leaders, Nehemiah personally embodies and models care for God’s people, including the poor. He does not ask for provision at their expense, but richly provides for their provision at his expense. He not only spares them additional taxes, but he set his own table for some 120 of them every night. 

Think of justice less as a political issue and more as a spiritual one. How we regard others materially is symbolic of how we regard them spiritually. We are not only called to care for others, but to do so at personal cost. Consider how Nehemiah pictures Christ Jesus for us by providing for the helpless. He secured God’s people by his own sacrifice. Remind you of somebody? 

Jesus took upon Himself the poverty of our sin and made us rich in His own righteousness. Whatever our material standing, we are rich! In gratitude, we materially give back to the Lord and to His people what we ourselves have been given. How can you be a source of blessing today in light of what you’ve been given in Christ? 

Scripture Focus

Nehemiah 5:14-19


Christians are a celebratory people. We are rich in Christ. Let us find opportunities to shower His abundant blessings upon others.

Bible In A Year

  • 2 Samuel 1-2
  • Psalm 136
  • Ephesians 3-4