“Therefore, when Christ came into the world, he said: ‘Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but a body you prepared for me. … Then I said, “Here I am.”’”

Hebrews 10:5, 7
If you take a behind-the-scenes tour at a movie studio, you get to see how lots of spectacular scenes were made through the “magic” of special effects. Knowing the secret diminishes some of the awe, however. For example, in a movie about a shipwreck, it wasn’t a real ship tossed about on the ocean, but just a small toy-sized model of one.

What if God gave you behind-the-scenes glimpses of Christmas? Actually, He did! The book of Hebrews does a lot of “lifting the veil” on parts of the Old Testament of the Bible. Today’s Hebrews 10 passage shows us that when Jesus left heaven and entered this world by way of a human mother, He communicated with the Father about the physical body God had prepared for Him. He acknowledged that the time of Old Testament sacrifices to pay for sins was over; now He was the sacrifice! And this one would be once for all. Behind the scenes from even the moment He was laid in a manger, Jesus knew why He had come.

Looking behind the Christmas scenes doesn’t diminish our awe, though. Rather, it increases it!

Scripture Focus

Hebrew 10:5-10


Jesus knew what He would face in this world, yet He said, “Here I am.” That’s our Savior!

Bible In A Year

  • Zechariah 1-4
  • Proverbs 28
  • Revelation 13-14