"But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop."
(Luke 8:15)

Luke 8:1-15
When I picture Jesus as the sower, that bag of seed is so packed that the seams are tested. It never seems to get any lighter as He tosses handful after handful in every direction. Does He choose only the good and receptive spots? You and I might say, “Hey, that seed is not free. It comes at a cost – throw it in the places it is most likely to grow and generate a return!” But not our Lord. He indiscriminately tosses that seed… everywhere! The path, the rocks, the weeds, and the rich soil all receive handfuls of seeds.

As I write this I am flying directly over the Grand Canyon. It’s breath taking. And I’m reminded, “Who gets the privilege of seeing all the wondrous beauty God has created … only the most righteous?” Nope. His beauty is available to be seen by all the world – the saved and the lost, the searching and the doubting, the shallow and the wise. He is generous in the many ways He “scatters” His love and His beauty. All of this is so that we, His children, might come to know Him better.

About the writer:

Rick Anderson serves as Senior Vice President at Leadership Transformations, a ministry committed to the spiritual formation and soul care of Christian leaders. Rick loves spending time with God in nature, laughing with friends and family, exploring new places, fixing things, watching movies, and taking in a strong Colorado thunderstorm. He and his wife Lisa live in Colorado Springs with their three boys, Cam Mitch, and Jack.

Scripture Focus

Luke 8:1-15


Think about how God might be inviting you to love others in a more open and indiscriminant manner today or this week.

Bible In A Year

  • 1 Chronicles 14-15
  • Proverbs 31
  • Revelation 18-19