"And surely I am with you always,
to the very end of the age."
(Matthew 28:20b)

Matthew 28:16-20
How often are you aware of the very real presence of Jesus in your life? “Surely” (as in, for sure) “I am with you always.” Jesus is with us … always. What if we truly lived every moment of every day with that reality in mind? We might make decisions differently. We might grow less fearful of the world’s problems. Have you ever caught yourself praying and inviting the presence of Jesus as if He weren’t already there? That would be like saying to someone you’re already on the phone with, “Call me when you can, I’d like to talk to you.” Jesus is more often waiting on us to be present to Him than the other way around.

Typically, this passage’s focus is the Great Commission. And what an important charge that is to all of us as Christ followers! Go and make disciples. But let’s put the emphasis on the promised presence of Jesus. Whether you are a pastor, a missionary, a plumber, a sales clerk, a homemaker, an advertising executive, a student, a computer programmer… the promise of Jesus is the same: “I am with you always.”

Scripture Focus

Matthew 28:16-20


Quiet your heart and mind, and attune your senses to the presence of Jesus who is with you in this moment and always!

Bible In A Year

  • Ezra 9-10
  • Psalm 30
  • Mark 9