“Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went.”

Acts 8:4
During times of suffering or even of persecution, most of us focus on finding a way to survive. But in the muck and mire of trying to survive, there is fertile ground to help us thrive. It’s in planting and tending the seeds of sharing the gospel.

After Stephen was martyred (see Acts 7:54-60), the church suffered intense persecution and was scattered. But the scattering served its purpose when the apostles and new believers went far and wide to faithfully preach the gospel.

The same result of persecution is seen in Paul’s life. He wrote in his letter to the Philippian church while imprisoned in Rome that “what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel. …It has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ” (1:12-13).

When our circumstances bring suffering or take us where we don’t want to be, we can trust that God will provide abundant opportunities to share the good news of the gospel. The sincerity of our words will be enhanced by the reality of our suffering.

Scripture Focus

Acts 8:1-8


Lord, please help us to see suffering and even persecution as opportunities to advance the gospel to those around us. Amen

Bible In A Year

  • Isaiah 49-50
  • Psalm 95
  • Acts 18