"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
(Matthew 11:28)

Matthew 11:28-30
Sometimes I think the only difference between my daily life and a hamster wheel is the absence of shredded newspaper. It’s crazy how quickly the pace of life gets going faster than what my spinning legs can keep up with. Every nook and cranny of the schedule gets filled with some activity, responsibility, errand, or obligation. The end result is one overwhelmed and exhausted pilgrim. Each time I read these words of invitation from Jesus, it feels like a warm blanket wrapping me up and reminding me of the importance of rest – and the only true source of it.

“You who are weary and burdened…” Could anyone be exempt? We’re likely all carrying too much, trying to do too much, and laboring under a heavy yoke of our own making. Most of us even come home from vacation exhausted. What has happened to rest? Sabbath as a spiritual discipline has all but disappeared. It needs to be reclaimed.

The One who is gentle and humble in heart offers us an easy yoke and rest for our weary souls. How will we respond?

Scripture Focus

Matthew 11:28-30


Are you aware of your own physical and emotional exhaustion? In what ways are you in need of the rest Jesus offers?

Bible In A Year

  • 2 Chronicles 33-34
  • Psalm 24
  • Mark 3