"When Jesus saw her, he called her forward and said to her, 'Woman, you are set free from your infirmity.'"
(Luke 13:12)

Luke 13:10-17
I’m struck by the resolute action of Jesus under recurring scrutiny. He is bold about doing what is right and lets the chips fall. There is no maneuvering or manipulation of the circumstances and no dodging of the consequences. The Gospels continually show us the determination of Jesus – to set things right, to humble the proud in heart, and to do His Father’s will – regardless of how unpopular any of those might be with the local authorities. And all of these things He does because He had you and me in His heart from the beginning. Nothing would deter Him from coming to rescue us.

I am especially fond of the stories where Jesus heals on the Sabbath. There’s something deeply satisfying about the concept of being “made whole again” on the Sabbath. What if we looked at the Sabbath not only as a weekly opportunity to gather in worship, but also as a time to be touched by the Savior in a way that frees us to “stand up straight” again? When week after week has us weary and hunched over, be thankful that you can run to Him!

Scripture Focus

Luke 13:10-17


Knowing Jesus' love for you, be resolutely loving, doing what's right with boldness and compassion. Look for opportunities today.

Bible In A Year

  • 1 Chronicles 20-21
  • Psalm 3
  • Matthew 3-4