"Jesus answered: 'Don't you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time?'"
(John 14:9a)

John 14:5-11
Poor Philip. He’s the latest disciple to step up to the plate, take a big swing, and whiff. I’m not sure if I hear bewilderment or frustration coming from the Way, the Truth, and the Life in verse 9. Perhaps a mixture of both. By this point, Philip has been a witness to miracles and has seen with his own eyes ancient prophecies fulfilled. Still he asks for more proof that will be “enough” for him to believe.

Jesus exercises enduring patience with His disciples. While He can certainly sound stern, He never gives up on them. Hardly a single Gospel chapter unfolds without a reprimand of one of His own followers after they’ve demonstrated errant motives, lack of faith, or misunderstood truth.

I’m encouraged to know that Jesus’ own inner circle was habitually slow, often thick-headed, and sometimes flat-out wrong! That means there is hope for me and for you as we try to learn more about who this Jesus is. While we fumble our way through, He patiently loves us all our lives. Praise God for His compassionate, steadfast love!

Scripture Focus

John 14:5-11


Name and give thanks for the places in your Christian journey where the Lord's ongoing patience was necessary.

Bible In A Year

  • 2 Chronicles 31-32
  • Psalm 23
  • Mark 2