“I will write on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem …; and I will also write on him my new name.”

Revelation 3:12
The number 702233 will be with me forever. It was assigned to me the day I was booked into prison. For the next 15 years of my life, as far as the State of Texas was concerned, that number was my identity. 

In Scripture, a name says something about who a person is. The name Adam means “man.” The first man, Adam, named all the animals, exercising his rule over them as the God-appointed king of creation (Genesis 2). Abraham was called “Abram,” meaning “exalted father” until God changed it to Abraham, “father of many nations” (Genesis 17). The name Jesus means “God saves” (Matthew 1:21). 

One of the most comforting promises in the Bible is that God will write His own name on His people. God identifies Himself with each of us sinners through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He identifies Himself so closely with us that the death of Christ is said to be our death and His resurrection is called our resurrection (Romans 6:5-11). This is why God publicly puts His name on us in baptism (Matthew 28:19), setting our identity in Him. 

Scripture Focus

Revelation 3:7-13; 14:1; 22:4


If you are united to Christ by faith, you’re not just a number to God. He knows you by name.

Bible In A Year

  • Exodus 17-18
  • Psalm 34
  • Mark 14