"He called out, 'Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!'"
(Luke 18:38)

Luke 18:35-43
Have you ever found yourself in a moment of reflection, feeling like you are stuck in a rut in one way or another? I know I have. Periodically, I think to myself, “I should be farther down the path than this by now.” In this way, I can relate to the blind beggar sitting by the roadside. That’s what it feels like – not on the road to somewhere, but sitting beside it, not getting anywhere at all. My first impulse is to make something happen for myself. That’s the American way, right? Perhaps there’s a different impulse we might pay attention to: the need to receive mercy from a loving Savior.

Imagine if during one of these pondering moments you heard someone say, “Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.” What would your reaction be? Would a sense of urgency well up within you? What need would be attached to that sense of urgency? The reality is that Jesus really does draw near to us each day. And He asks the same question of you and me today that He posed to the man in this story, “What do you want me to do for you?”

Scripture Focus

Luke 18:35-43


Where in your life are you in need of the loving mercy of the King of kings? Don't remain silent. Call out to Him!

Bible In A Year

  • 1 Chronicles 16-17
  • Psalm 1
  • Revelation 20-22