Ep. 1 – Every song has a story. Like a frame around a picture, that story can help you understand and see the beauty in a fresh way. Join David Wollen as he looks at one of the great hymns of the faith called Be Still My Soul.

Ep. 2 – He tried to be a missionary, but as it turned out, he wasn’t a Christian—not yet. Later, he would go on to write more than six thousand hymns, which you likely know and sing today.

Ep. 3 – Written in Ireland, it was a hymn that made all the difference in China for one of the greatest missionaries in history. It was the moment he realized this great task did not belong to him.

Ep. 4 – How deep is the love of Jesus? The ocean, at its greatest depth, can crush a man, but Jesus became a man and was crushed to save us. His love is too deep to measure.

Ep. 5 – What’s the difference between a worship song and a hymn? It’s getting harder to tell these days, and maybe that’s not such a bad thing. Join David Wollen on today’s program as the past and present come together.

Ep. 1 – Be Still My Soul
June 24, 2024
Ep. 2 – And Can It Be
June 25, 2024
Ep. 3 – Jesus, I Am Resting, Resting
June 26, 2024
Ep. 4 – O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus
June 27, 2024
Ep. 5 – In Christ Alone
June 28, 2024



All About Jesus Hymns (CD)

Crafted from the extensive archives of the Haven Quartet, All About Jesus Hymns promises a musical journey centered on Jesus.

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Great Is Thy Faithfulness

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Jesus, Lover of My Soul

Haven Ministries, the host of the All About Jesus blog, was started by an unlikely sort, an L.A. radio star named Paul Myers. He was an alcoholic who ended up homeless, found Christ, and then came bac ...

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Haven Ministries 90th Anniversary Celebration

Did you know that Haven Ministries is celebrating 90 incredible years of ministry? If you missed our live 90th anniversary celebration, no worries! You can catch all the highlights and heartwarming ...

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