Andy McQuitty On Living in the Shadow of Death

Death is a difficult topic. Most look upon it with fear, while others try to ignore it altogether. But one thing is certain … it’s been on people’s minds more than usual lately.

When Andy McQuitty received his cancer diagnosis in 2009, it felt more like a death sentence. Not only did he have cancer, but he was very likely going to die from that cancer. This set him on an intense journey through the valley of the shadow of death, and he came out on the other side with a new perspective on how Christians can live with purpose—even as we approach life’s final chapter. Hear his profound insights and reflections when you listen to today’s episode.

Going Deeper

At 2:58 PM on July 14, 2009, Andy McQuitty officially entered the valley of the shadow of death with these words from his doctor, “Andy, you have a massive tumor that has broken through the wall of your colon. It’s cancer. It’s serious. Get in here now.” In the video below, he reads one of his journal entries included in his book Notes From the Valley: A Spiritual Travelogue Through Cancer.

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  • Ted Bates says:

    I am reminded of reminding David Jeremiah that Osalm 23 starts out third person, He leads me, He makes me, but when you come to the shadow of death we read, Ye though I walk through the shadow of death I shall fear no evil for YOU ARE WITH ME. Now its second person as if the Lord is present in a more personal way. I don’t know what is ahead, I may be raptured or I may be called to walk through the valley. I just pray that in the really difficult experiences that the Lord’s presence will give me peace and bring me through. We don’t go to the valley but through the valley to the other side. Having watched my father breathe his last and then my mother breathe her last, I don’t like it but except for those who are alive at His coming for the church, everyone must experience death. But we who have made peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ have a sure hope and a certain future. Amen.

  • My husband died in 2013, he was just 60 at the time. He died of ademocarcinoma of the lung, and true to our doctor’s words, he died within 3 weeks of time. He was 12 years younger than I. We both hurt terribly trying to say goodbye
    but neither of us was very good at it. In my case, I beat cancer twice, once in 2005 and the next on the other side in 2009. It is 10 years later, and I still miss my husband. He knew the Lord, and so do I, so we have hope to see each other again.

    • Corum says:

      Thank you so much for your heartfelt response to our programing on following Jesus through cancer. Everyone’s journey through this illness is unique, but our hope in Christ is the same. As difficult as it was for both you and your husband, I pray the Lord continues to show you his mercy through hard times.

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